What is Cyber Crime?

You have probably already heard of people being taken to court and jailed for committing computer crimes, increasingly being referred to as cybercrimes.
All over the world, people are going to jail for creating and spreading computer viruses, bullying other people online, committing fraud, phishing, accessing classified information, and stealing corporate and user data. 
Cybercrimes specifically refer to illegal actions committed over the internet. Some cybercrimes may also be carried out through telephone lines and mobile phones, on chat and social platforms, and on the location where the computer or network is physical. Here is a list of different types of cybercrime to help you understand better what constitutes it. 

Here are some examples of Cyber Crime:

  • Computer Fraud
  • Electronic Fund Transfer
  • privacy violation
  • Identity Theft
  • ATM Fraud
  • Denial of Service Attack
  • Phishing
  • Spoofing
  • Scanning
  • Data Harvesting
  • Spam
These all above examples of cybercrime if hope you understood.

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